Food & Life

July ’24

Visiting my favorite local farmers’ market is like stepping into a food lover’s wonderland. It’s where I indulge in my cart-pushing workout while attempting to make eye contact with every. single. goodie. My shopping list? It’s more like a love letter to fresh produce. And let’s be honest, I leave with so many bags of veggies that even my car gets a workout. If you need me, I’ll be trying to fit one more zucchini into my already overstuffed trunk

This place is a 7 minute drive from my house and makes shopping for produce so easy. This world is crazy with the prices for groceries everywhere and I just thank my lucky stars we have gems like this.

Love me some Heckman Orchards! Alright ya’ll, lets check out my haul.

Freshness overload.

I ended up making a few different salads from my trip (guess I was craving something particular) and only had to grab one or two things at the grocery store! Check out the recipes here:

Fresh Mozzarella, Tomato and Stone Fruit Salad

Cucumber, Tomato and Feta Salad

Corn, Avocado and Tomato Salad